The Alpha Hour Podcast | Ep 01: Unfiltered Stories of Struggle, Success, and Self-Improvement

  Alright man, finally Tony, finally officially, we've been trying to do this thing for how many years now?

It's been a few. It's been a minute. It's been a few. It's

been long enough for me not to know how many years. Yeah. That's how fucking long

it's been. A couple of other attempts. Yeah. And, uh, now we're here.

Yeah. Well, you know, the other attempts, the problem was, uh, we brought somebody else into it that doesn't have the same mind frame. Yeah. Uh, doesn't understand that, you know, when you, when you do something like this, you're doing it for a purpose to give back. I know you're the same way. 100. Yeah. And, you know, with, uh, The lives that we've lived and been around the people we've been around and things we've picked up and learned.

It's kind of like our duty to pass that along. I mean, you know, we live in the information age right now. So, it's really our duty to pass that on to other people, you know, so that they can have a better life and know where to go. There's so much misinformation out there. But when you talk from experience, that's a whole different thing.

I always say education without experience is just information. That's right. He's always got these like Yoda sneaks. Anybody can Google whatever they want to know now, but do you know it or do you just know of it? Yeah.

So, when

you put it into action, that's when it becomes wisdom.

Yeah. And also, And where you're getting that information is really impactful, right?

So if somebody wants to know about bodybuilding, they come to you, you've been doing it most of your life. Yep. You know? And you know where you started and where you, you know, finished up. It's at the top of the game. I mean, you know.

Speaking of that, why don't you tell us where your history and where you started.

Yeah, my

history? Well, I was born, I was born in, uh, Iran and Persia. I say Persia because I'm not, I'm not Muslim and Iran stands for the Islamic Republic. Okay. So I say Persian. Like the Persian Empire, because I'm a king. So, kiss my ass. But, uh, yeah, so I was born there, and, uh, you know, I was born during the war.

So my childhood was like It wasn't the typical childhood when you have the things that blow up.

So you were born during like the first The Iraq, Iran war, yeah. In like 92?

No, no, no. That was like around the revolution. Oh, okay. Oh, that war. The OG war, yeah. And, um, so Yeah, I'm like, bro You've been smoking today?

No, but you're old. I'm putting you in your


Yeah. Your thirties. Yeah. No, I wouldn't. No, no. That was a long time ago. I know. That was a long time. Um, but yeah. So, you know, I grew up differently because as a, as a child, you know, you learn how to survive in a war. Right. Other than, you know, hanging out with your friends and doing things like that.

And I remember even the schools were weird because, The things that they did in school over there, they were trying to, like, groom you Mm, 100. into, you know, hating America and hating this and that, which is not cool. I mean, and you know, and I gotta say this. Majority of people in Iran are great people.

They're not, they, they're like people here. Like, they just want freedom, be able to say what they feel, and you know, and have a good life without being suppressed. Right. The people who run the country are the problem. And those are the ones that you see on TV, you know, burning the flag, and death to America, all that bullshit.

It's all them, it has nothing to do, cause if you go there, um, You'll see, like, you talk to, you talk to ten people, all ten of them will say, we need people to come and help us. Right. We need to get this regime out, you know what I mean? That's how it is over there. But, you know, I started there and then my father was like, alright, this is enough of this shit.

I, I need to, you know, create a better opportunity for, um, for my family. So, he got us out. He got us out. I remember, even as a child, I remember, The night when we were leaving, we had like eight suitcases, and it was me, my father, my mom, and my little sister, and I remember my entire family standing there behind a glass, waving at us, and I was like, am I gonna ever see these people again?

Right. You know what I mean? It was like, it was a heavy moment for a kid to go through. Cause you know you weren't coming back.


You know what I mean? So we left. Uh, we went to Germany and had to sit there and wait to process everything so we can come to America. By the way, you motherfuckers that are sneaking in, go do it right.

Okay, we did it right, go do it right. You know what I mean? Alright. And, um, so we were there three years. We were there three years. Um, while I was there I actually learned how to speak German and Armenian. Because where we lived, uh, the refugee camp, there was a lot of Armenians there. So I just hung out with so many Armenians.

I picked up the language. Right. So, it was cool. It was a cool experience. And then, um, Went to school in Germany, which was a cool experience. And, man, I'll tell you something crazy about Germany. And I still remember it. It's funny how, when you're young, you remember certain crazy ass things. Yeah. I mean, I had to like, really think about this, because I was like, Did I really happen to have seen a movie?

But I remember where we lived, there was a whole It Nazi rally it wasn't even like KKK. It was like Nazis with swastika things and shit like that And they were marching through the refugee camp and they were burning crosses and all this shit I remember seeing that I was like and I didn't know what it was, you know, I mean you live in Germany and I'm like Is this a parade?

What the fuck is going on right here? Is that burning crosses and shit? Yeah, I remember that though. You gotta

be there to hear about that. Yeah,

but then when I got older, I was like, Holy fuck, that was a, that was a Demonstration. Yeah, that was a whole thing. The good thing is right across from where we were was a military base.

Okay. So they shut that shit down real quick. But yeah, we were there, and then um, came to America, went to uh, Greenwood, South Carolina, which is smaller than Greenville. Yeah. It's very small. My uncle lived there. And, um, so we went and stayed with him to try to figure out, you know, my father was trying to figure out, should we go to New York?

Should we go to California? Should we go to Atlanta? Should we stay here? You know? And, um, so we stayed with my uncle. And it's funny thing is my uncle's a pastor. Okay. You know what I mean? So you think about it like, yeah. So you think about it. You know, a family from the Middle East that you're born into Islam.

Mm hmm. And your uncle's a pastor. Not only is he a pastor, but later on he, um, started the first Persian church in Atlanta. Okay. Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean, he's on the hit list. He can never go back over there. Oh, wow. Yeah. So it's

like a Christian, Persian? Christian, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, and you know, and the thing about the whole religion thing, man, I gotta tell you, I got a lot of friends that are Muslim, I got friends that are Jewish, I got, I got Buddhist friends, I mean, I got friends of every kind of, you know, and I know you do too, and you know, you can't judge someone based on a religion, you judge someone on their character, as the person, so we were there for a little while, I went to school, I remember the, the first day of school in Greenwood, South Carolina, Mm hmm.

I was still learning English, so I didn't know a lot. But I remember I went there, and you know, even if you don't speak the language, you know when somebody's talking shit.


You know what I mean? Yeah. That's like a universal language, right? So, so I go in there, and I'm in, I'm in my first class in the first school in America.

First day of school. And I'm sitting there, and there's, there's bigger kids, and you could tell he was like the bully of the school. He was bigger than everybody else. Yeah. Big ol country, country kid, right? And I remember he was saying some shit to me, and I didn't really, I don't know what to say back.


But I do know how to throw a punch right into your face. So that's exactly how I answered it. You know, he was talking shit. I got up, I was like, okay. Bang, broke his nose, all this stuff. They were like, go to the office. I'm like, all right. So I go to the office, I'm sitting there. He's holding his nose.

He's crying now. But a bully at the school is now crying. Of course. And I'm sitting there like. I, I, pfft, I mean, what else am I supposed to do? I can't, I don't know what to say, I can't tell him fuck you because I don't, I haven't learned it yet. Right. You know what I mean? I can't, I'm


on that. I'm working on that, I'm working on it.

So, so we um, so I'm sitting there and my dad comes in, and then his parents come in, and, and, so my dad comes in and he asks me what happened. I said, I said, you know, he was making fun of me, and if I let him, Get away with it on day one of school. He's gonna do it forever, right? I can't you know me and my and my father let me tell you this about my father.

My father was He was a fighter he was he was in Iran Yeah, he was the head coach for the national team in martial arts, and then he trained like special operations guys So I grew up around a bunch of killers, not knowing there were a bunch of killers until later on. Right. Like, oh, oh, what? They were killing people?

Oh, okay. Well, I want to do that shit. You know what I mean? Right. So, so, you know, but he's like the calmest, you met him, he's the calmest person, he's like Mr. Miyagi. You know what I mean? And he's calm and all that stuff. So he comes in there and he's, you know, what happened? I said, well, this is what happened.

And he's like, okay, well, you did the right thing. And then the principal was like, we can't have that kind of thing going on. And my dad goes, every time he says something bad to him, he has permission to punch him in the face. And he said that shit in front of the guy's dad. And the guy's dad was like, he can't do that.

My dad was like, you want to go outside? We can talk. And my dad's got a, got a crazy accent too. And he looked, and at the time he had this like, fucking. Goatee, like, didn't even look like a goatee. It looked like just a killer's mane on his fucking And he was like, we can go outside and talk. I was like, don't go outside and talk with him, man.

I'm telling you, it's gonna be bad talk. It's gonna be bad talk. So, you know, that was like my first day of school in America. But then, it's funny, because right after I did that, everybody was my friend. Of course. And, on top of that, they were thanking me because they were like, that guy has been doing that shit Forever.

Mm-Hmm. . You know what I mean? And then you, you stopped. You gave him the


But the craziest part is that guy is, I'm still friends with him now. Oh, I bet. I'm still friends. He's like, man, remember when he punched me in face him? I was like, yeah, you obviously remember it. Yep. He's like, I, I couldn't I, that just changed the trajectory of my life by that one moment.

You know? I was like, well, you know, I was like, I love you. I love you. Like, we hug it out. Now he is like, man, I love you, man. You know? And he is like, yeah, man. So, but he's, he's doing really good. But, you know, that's how, that's how it should be. I mean, like, you know. You should let shit go once they're done.

People don't do that. People hold on to it and they're like, Oh, man, I know people that fuckin still hate somebody from 20 years ago. Right. Of course. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm like, let it go, man. Yeah, let it go. It's hard, but yeah, you gotta let it go. But you got, but you're, if you're carrying that with you, what happens to you?

100%. Yeah. You're actually fucking yourself. It's your

soul that's scaring it too, it's not even your physical. No.

No, and you're doing something that's going to make you the less of a person because now all your energy is going toward this negative thing. That's not affecting the other guy anyway.


You know what I mean? It's like, it makes no sense. So anyway, so after that we came to Atlanta, so my dad decided let's go to Atlanta because it was the biggest city close. Mhmm. Mhmm. Came here, you know, did the whole schooling thing, learned ESL, learned English, went through all the schooling. And then, uh, when I was, uh, graduating high school, I got, uh, We were in Hilton Head, South Carolina with the family and we were, I remember I was, I was on the beach playing volleyball with, uh, with, uh, some family and some old lady came up to me and gave me a card.

This is back in the day where there was no phones, there was no Google, there was no internet. You couldn't look anybody up. Right. You know what I mean? She gave me a, she gave me a card. She said, yeah, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a agent for boss models in New York. Hmm. Give me a call. I'm like, oh yeah, okay. I know, I know what kind of boss you're looking for.

No, not playing, we ain't doing that. So I didn't call her for like two, three weeks. And my mom was like, just call, call the number, find out. The problem is, like back then, you couldn't look anybody up. So anybody could give you a card and say their whatever. And you'd be like, oh, okay, cool. So I called her up, she goes, I've been waiting for you to call me.

I said, well, I don't know if you're legit. I mean, you know, she was like, I understand what you're saying. So she goes, look, um, we're gonna fly you to New York, we're gonna do a test shoot, and then we'll go from there. I have no idea what the fuck she's talking about, by the way. Right. I'm like, yeah, yeah, let's do a test shoot.

What the fuck is that? Right. You know, again, you can't look it up. Now, if you tell me something right now as you're talking to me, I can be like, Yeah, yeah, I've known that forever. Yeah, you know what I mean? Back then, I'm like, yeah, okay, yeah, let's do a test shoot. So I go up there, they do a photo shoot, and then she's like, Alright, I'll call you in like a week, whatever.

She calls me up, she goes, Look, um, we want to sign you on, but you have to live here. We can't, we can't sign you. In New York? Yeah, because, because you have to be available for us to send you to, You know all this stuff, and I'm like okay, so now at the time I had a scholarship to go to Georgia Southern to play football Okay, or I got a two hundred eighty thousand dollar contract which is unheard of to go and model in New York City.

New York? Yeah, I was like, give me the money. Right. I don't give, and the funny thing is, I didn't even, I'm not even like, I'm not crazy about football anyway. Right. You know what I mean? I mean, I grew up as a fighter. I didn't, team sports was never like my thing. It pissed me off, team sports actually, because when we lost, I'd be pissed off, and other people just wouldn't care.

Right. They're like, yeah, we just, on to the next. I'm like, well, on to the next. What the fuck? We practiced for like, a week. Yeah. Killed ourselves, and then we lost. Yeah. The fuck? So, Anyway, so we go up there and I'm like, all right, where am I staying? They're like, so they have, they own these buildings. It's called model apartments.

So they own this entire building and you put all of the models that they signed from around the world into this one building. Yeah. So. I don't even need to get into that. Like, you already know what that So, you're in this entire building of models. A bunch of

young, good looking people. A bunch of young, good looking people,

and a lot of them are European.

Europeans, you know how they get down. And, you're living in this fucking building, and while you're not going on shoots or, you know, fittings or whatever, You're just partying


the whole time


that whole part of my life was kind of a mist it was like

a mist

It was like it was crazy man. Like I didn't know like what day it was.

I just knew like, okay I gotta go at two o'clock. I'm gonna be here right at you know, four o'clock. I gotta be here like whatever it was But it was cool because and I tell people all the time man I was like, I wish there was cell phones back then

or any I would

have so much awesome content I could do a movie just on the content I had on my cell, you know what I mean?

But you didn't have anything and you couldn't like walk around with a fucking camera. Like when you, like all these, like, um, um, these, uh, fashion weeks and stuff like that, that we did, you know, it's all celebrities that go to that. You know what I mean? They go sit there and they hang out and they go to these parties.

So we partied with everybody. Lenny Kravis, Madonna. I mean, you name it. Everybody that was famous back then, we partied with them. And I don't have one picture. Because you can't.


I mean, you know, you can't. Right, right, of course. It's not a thing. Now, you know, selfies are a thing and stuff like that.

What, am I gonna pull out a fuckin Nikon camera like, hey, hey, The Polaroid. Yeah, the Polaroid, yeah, you know what I mean? So. Yeah, so, you know, so I couldn't do that, but you know, the memories are there, you know, and that, so New York took me to Europe, back to Europe. Okay. And so they were like, all right, so look, we're going to send you to do our Europe sector, right?

So we went to New Europe and then, um, I did the same thing over there. They put me in a model apartment. I was in Paris for a while. I was in Milan for a while. I was in Spain for a while. And then, um, when I was in the UK, So we went to the U. K. for Fashion Week. At that Fashion Week, the producers from MTV Europe, MTV2, were there.

In the audience. And my agent was there. And she goes, you know, they're doing this new music show. It was like the TRL show that Carson Daly was doing here. And they were like, they're looking for a host. Do you want to audition for it? I was like, fuck yeah, I want to audition for that. Hell yeah, let's do it.

She's like, alright. She hands me a pencil. She's like, here's your microphone.

Go audition. I was about to say, you're good with the microphone. Yeah,

yeah. So, like, right, right there, backstage. Now, the funny thing is, like, they had me groomed up for the show. So, I'm standing there with this crazy ass head fucking thing hanging off my head.

And I'm like, like this? I can't. I look ridiculous. I look like a peacock. I can't with it. So, She's like, just do it. She's like, don't worry about it. Just, just fucking do it. I was like, alright. So I go over there and I meet them and I, they said, okay, look, here's, you know, Craig David's new song. I want you to present it to us and bring Craig David up on it.

So I did my whole thing. They were like, alright, alright, alright. And so she was like, she was like back there, she was like this and this like this. I was like, I don't know if I did good. I don't know if I fucked it up. Cause the whole scene, cause if you go to like a real fashion show, Behind the scenes is a zoo.

I was about to say it came out. People are running around. There's people naked. You know, like, people are chasing you, trying to do your hair. It's crazy. So, in the midst of that, I auditioned, right? A week later, my agent calls and says, Look, they want you for the part, for the show in the UK. I was like, Oh, cool, beautiful, let's do it.

So, I go out there. I auditioned. And we do the, uh, we do the show in London. And then it was like summertime was coming up. So do you remember like MTV used to do all these beach parties and stuff like that? Yeah. Like in Daytona, like Mexico and stuff. It was like that. Right. So they said, look, we're going to, for the summer, you're going to do it out of a house in Spain and, um, you got your own driver, got your own chef, you got this 11 bedroom house.

And he was like, um, you just going to do the show every single day. I was like, beautiful, let's do it. So I go out there, I do the show. Funny thing with that is, I had a good friend of mine that was doing this, and I was like, look, if you can get here, you can stay at this house. I got 11 bedrooms. You don't have to pay for anything.

We have food, we have a driver, you literally don't have to do anything. So he calls me up like two days later, he's like, yeah, I got the money for the ticket. I was like, oh, good, your parents gave it to you? He's like, no, I sold my car. He's like, I sold my car for a ticket. He's like, listen, this is a one time thing.

I could buy another car. Right, right. I don't, this is a, so he came out, he ended up being out there with me for like four years.


He actually met his wife. Oh, wow. Now has kids and lives in Spain. How crazy is that shit? I've been to Spain. You know. I could see that. Spain is, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, so that and then That was my entertainment portion of my life.

And then I did shows, uh, I did a show called Tough Love, that was on VH1, and that was a reality show that wasn't, that was a fuckin scripted the whole time. Mm hmm. Um, and I'd done like movies and stuff with The Rock and stuff like that, you know, Sizz Standin and all that. Right. That kind of stuff. And, you know, I enjoyed all that stuff.

You know, I never did it, I didn't really care about being famous. Right, right. You know, that was never the, the thing. I was, I wanted to just be successful. And doing new things. I was like, oh, modeling? Yeah, that's new. Let me try it. Oh, acting? Okay, that's new. Let me try it. Oh, this? You know what I mean? So, it was, it was just accomplishments that meant, was important to me.

You know what I mean? And, you know, besides that, you know, I fought my whole life. I mean, my first fight, I was 13 in Thailand. And my father got me that fight. Because we went to, while he was training, um, You know, uh, Special Operations guys. We went to a fight in Thailand at one of the famous stadiums there.

And I told my dad, I was like, dude, I want to do that. That looks amazing. I want to do that. Now, at the time, obviously, there was no internet. So, I couldn't look anything up to be like, oh, these guys started fighting at five years old. Okay. And so, And that's all they do over there. Like, you're either, in, in Thailand, you're either a fighter or you work in the fields.

I'm either your regular.

Yeah, and you know, and the thing is, you're not doing it for you. You're doing it literally to feed the family. Yeah, for the family, for the country. So, it's a different thing, man. It's, it, like, it has a lot more meaning to it than somebody that's coming in from the outside that's, like, now trying to do it.

They, they hold it, it's like baseball to the umpteenth power over there. I told my dad, I said, look, I wanna, I wanna get a fight. He said, alright, you're gonna have to train for a year. And then I'll get you a fight. I said, cool, let's do it. So I trained for a year. He said, alright, we got you a fight. He didn't tell me.

The guy I was fighting was 16. I didn't care about his age. He was 16, I was 13. Well, I was 14 at that time. And, um, he said, uh, he said, Yeah, he's 16 years old. I said okay, I didn't ask him how many fights he's had, like none of that stuff, I didn't really care. But I assumed, since this was my first fight, it's his first fight.

I assumed. Never make that assumption. You know what happened when you assumed? Oh, it was a terrible assumption. So I go in, we have the fight, the first round is very even. The second round I knocked him out with a standing elbow in the corner. And I was, you know, pumped up and all this stuff. I was like, I was already talking about getting another fight.

You know? And so we were backstage and I'm actually sitting with the guy and he was like we were talking and we had a translator He was a super nice guy. I'm still friends with him Super nice. He actually has a gym there now And uh, but the guy was a two time former two time world champion In muay thai that I knocked out and I was like, I didn't know any of this stuff and he told me he told me That he had 186 fights That was his 187th fight with me.

He's like, I've been doing this since I was five years old. Wow. Yeah, I was like, are you kidding? So I told my dad, I'm like, you give me a fight with this fucking two time world champion? Like, he's like, listen. The fire is where you're built. My dad is, is like that, you know. He doesn't go, oh, let's start in the, in the shallow end.

Well, if he had

told you, oh, to do the accolades, you might've, Well, I would've mindfucked myself,

yeah. I would've, I would've gone in, like, going, oh, shit, this motherfucker's gonna probably kill me, you know what I mean? But I didn't go in there like that at all. I was in there, I was like, I'm gonna fuck, and the way my mentality was in that fight, I remember, because I told myself backstage, I said, look, you go in there and you keep moving forward.

Do not take a step backwards, right? You don't let that guy bully you. You go forward the whole time. You get knocked out, you get knocked out. But you don't go backwards. That was my only thing. To not go backwards.

That's one of my favorite sayings. Keep moving forward.

Keep moving forward. And that's, I mean, that was literally, that fight was like everything that meant that.

Keep moving forward. And that's exactly what I did. I kept moving forward, which didn't give him any space to do what he does, right? You know what I mean? So we were in a clinch a lot and I was you know If you're born in the Middle East, you learn how to wrestle, you know what I mean? So that's, I mean, that's like, you know, it's like protocol.

You learn how to wrestle, you learn how to lift weights, you know, and you learn how to fire guns. That's what you learn. Okay. So in the clinch, I had complete control of them. You know, we get the plum on them. I had complete control of them. And he couldn't get away and create enough distance to, you know, throw his kicks and stuff like that.

So, That's why I knocked him out with the, with the standing elbow in the corner, you know? 'cause I had him on the ropes and then boom. And then that was it. And he told me he was like this, that strategy was like exactly what you needed to do. Mm. To get me. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Because he was getting frustrated.

Right. You know, he couldn't get me away from him. So he probably

knew that that was your first fight too. Oh. You know what I'm saying? Oh, the promoter told him? Yeah. Promoter told him this is

gonna be a highlight reel. Yeah. Is what he told him. Yeah. Because the promoter told me after. They don't have filters over there, man.

They just tell you shit. Yeah, I told him he's gonna kill you. There's no filters.

I actually

prefer that. Yeah. I mean, it's good. The

no BS approach. Then the sneaky shit.

Yeah. So, you know, I did that. Then I did MMA. And then, um, because, because of my dad's connections, that's how I got into doing special operations stuff with Blackwater.

And then, you know, did that. And that was amazing, too. I mean, some of the best people, best human beings. ever are part of those groups. And I have no, I have so much respect for that because the mentality it takes to just be selfless and say, I'm going to go in here. I'm going to do something good for somebody.

And I don't care if I come back. If I don't come back it is what it is. You can't like, especially the way people are now. It's like complete opposite. Everybody's so selfish. And so being around those guys just made me a better human being, you know, seeing that, Oh, this is, this is the way to be, you know what I mean?

So, and I was young, you know what I mean? So I was still learning a lot. And I was just like a sponge. I was like, teach me, teach me. I want to learn everything. And, um, yeah. And then, you know, just continued doing, doing what I do, man. And just keep moving. Like you said, just keep moving forward. And now, you know, I'm a business owner and, you know, this podcast is a thing that I, Like, I think this podcast is gonna be very beneficial, um, on many levels and information is like the main thing with this, you know, like getting the proper information to people.

Mm-Hmm. And giving 'em them direction. Yeah. Is, is really what, um, this podcast focuses on. I know we talk about, it's called the Alpha Hour, but, you know, I think that whole thing has got a, the word alpha basically has got a bad connotation attached to it because of the way. The world is now, you know, if you're, if you say I'm an alpha male, then that's automatically you, you don't like women and you think you want to rule over women and you want to do this.

That's not actually the opposite, complete opposite, right? Complete opposite of that is if you're an alpha man, then what you do is you protect,

I was about to say, yeah, I feel protector provider. Um, you know, Yeah, exactly the opposite. First in line, you know what I'm saying? First at the forefront. And then got their back as well.

Right, right, exactly. That's what makes you an alpha male. Leading from the front, I should say. Well, let me think about it, like in a wolf pack, right? You know what's so funny? People think that the alpha male And the wolf pack is in the front. It's not. You know what he does? He puts the oldest people in the front.

The oldest pack members. And he's in the back so he can see the entire pack. And make sure everybody's safe. You know what I mean? It's just like when you go sit somewhere. I mean, I know I do this. When I go sit somewhere, I have to have my back. Against the wall and be able to see the entire room because you never like, you know,

that's how my wife is.

She's just like, I can't see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But

you know, like, I mean, especially if you go through the, um, you know, the tactical training and stuff like that. I mean, that's one of the, that's one of the things that teach you, like, never sit with your back to the door because you don't know who's coming in, you know, now the way the world is, it's crazy.

You know, so you have to be able to, um, have peace. Like, I don't have peace if I don't do that. Like, I won't even eat. I'll just be like this the whole time. Who's that? Who's that?

You know? You know, listening to your whole story, um, I see it in your life, in your mannerisms, in your personality, the way, you know, we conduct business.

Um, That's really good. Hey, man. Appreciate you, bro. That's really good. It, it, you know, it's not that I don't know your story, but you gave me some details that I hadn't heard before. Or hadn't heard in a long time. Yeah. And um, seeing how somebody was brought up and then how that turned them into the adult that they are.

Um, so I, I commend your parents. Yeah. Oh,

no. It's, it's all my parents. Like people, you know, people give me credit. I'm like, don't give me credit. Give my parents credit. Because if it wasn't for them, I would have never become, I would have never taken those chances, right? Like, the way my father, like, my father took a chance.

He was like, we're gonna leave everything here. My life, my house, my car,


family, most important, you know how close I am with my family. That was the biggest part, right? But he said, look, I have to do this in order to create opportunity for my kids. Right. Because here, there's no opportunity. Right. They're just going to be part of that.


just trying to survive. Right. So, yeah.

So for him, for him to take a chance and go and then, I mean, he was, are you talking about selfless? He literally didn't do anything for himself. At all. Everything was for his family. I believe it. How could I not carry that torch from him? Exactly.

That's the way to be, you know, as a father, as a mentor, as a grandfather now for me.

Yeah, which is great. I'm not your

grandfather, man. I know, it's great. You're still 20.

So, um, You're not done, but no, I'm gonna say a little bit about myself. You know, I was born in Indiana, South Bend, Indiana, right up the road from Notre Dame. I used to be able to see Touchdown Jesus from the top of my street.

And, um, You know, kind of blew through, uh, grade school, middle school, um, my dad's a preacher, right? So at 13, he went into the ministry. And, um, so we went from, you know, we weren't really wilding out, but we was, you know, one way. And then all of a sudden we were another way, you know, had to like conform to the religion and all that type of stuff.

And so I brought up in the church, you know, just singing the choir was on the Bible team, all that. And then I went to high school, uh, in Savannah, well, Alabama first, but then I graduated in Savannah. And, uh, so we went from, moved from Alabama to Georgia. I had more credits than I needed to graduate. So I got out of school early and, uh, got a good job doing, I know, doing construction, doing construction.

I got to quit snorting them lines, them lawn clippers, doing construction, uh, from like 12 to four o'clock. And then in my senior year, I got out at 10 30. So from 11 to four, I work construction. light construction. Uh, the, the company I was working for was based in Atlanta. So I went up to Atlanta, saw Atlanta and I've been here since like 83, 84.

And, uh, so that was kind of crazy. I left home at 17 and you know, preacher's kid, green as can be, don't really know nothing. I started bodybuilding or lifting probably around 19. Uh, and then, uh, I got married at 21, and right when I got married I was just now getting a little muscle on me.

Yeah, getting some attention.

And uh, so I'm in the gym and these guys approach me about being a dancer. Yeah. And I was like, I don't want to do that shit. So I go home and my wife, my wife at the time, she was like, boy you better go get that money. And so that started me on my track. That's never happening now. I know. That started me on my track as an entertainer.

Yeah. And then, uh, I was doing construction, doing that. Kind of like the movie, uh, Magic Mike. Yeah, yeah. Almost the same story. Yeah. And then, uh, I was like 200 pounds, right? Couldn't really put on much more mass. I started at 160. I'm like 200 pounds. Well,

you gotta tell them, like, you're 6'2


6'2 Yeah, so that's, for a bodybuilder, I always tell people I

was J.

J. Walker. Basically. Like, really, really skinny. Right. But, um, no real Visual science and muscle. I was a basketball player, so I was kind of cut up. Yeah. But just really tiny. Yeah. Anyway, um, I got introduced to real training in 1991. Yeah. A friend of mine, Harold Hogue, um, rest his soul, he passed away not too long ago.

But he really, um, showed me how to train. Right. Properly. Not just go to the gym and lift, how to really train, how to create intensity. And my body exploded. So I went from like 200 pounds to 260. And then I started winning all the local shows. Went and did the nationals, did really well. Um, then in 95 I tore my pec.

And that was it. And I didn't want to bodybuild anymore. So I literally, uh, tore my pec. Uh, I think I did one more show. Didn't do well at the show. And I literally just quit. So, mentally I was watched. Cause bodybuilding is more mental than physical. And, um, so, I basically didn't go inside the gym for three years.

I was just kinda, you know, sitting on the couch playing Mad and Smokin Buns. I mean, keepin it real, that's what I did. Keepin it real, keepin it real. And then, uh, one day I'm in the gym, I'm starting to personal train, and um, My workout partner was also my physical, my physical therapist and he was like, I found a surgeon that can fix your pec.

So I went and saw him. He fixed it. And then I instantly, you know, because it was four years between the tear and the actual surgery. And I woke up from anesthesia and the doctor was like, he was like, boy, what are you made of? And I'm like, what do you mean? He was like, Your tendon was in pristine condition.

All I did was unravel it and suture it and put it back there. Right. Yeah. He said, you got a lot of work to do. He said, but he said, I wouldn't even tell another patient this, but you could actually have a career. And you know, that drive that I already had, it just set me on that path. And, um, two years later I got my pro card.

Um, I remember the

night before you went and did that. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah.

That was funny. Cause, um, I went by myself and, uh, Like, so, pre judging, I was like, I called everybody, I'm like, yo, I think I'm gonna win this shit, y'all need to come. And everybody flew in, that was cool. Yeah. But, um, I had a really cool professional career traveling the world, you know, magazine covers, all that type of stuff.

But what bodybuilding taught me was because I turned pro so late at 36, I had to be healthy. I had to figure out how do I stay healthy? You know, cause I'm already at retirement age, you know, when I started as a pro. So that sent me down this path of really learning, um, You know, how the body works and how to keep it healthy, you know?

Well that's a big part of bodybuilding. 'cause you know, you do have to use the drugs. Yep. You know, the steroids and stuff. Yep. It's part of the, it's part of the sport. It's

like nascar. You don't see no Toyotas in nascar.

No. No. And that's, and, and you know, for anybody who, who you know, has a problem with that, they need to do some more research and find, I mean, it's like anything else.

So, you can be abusive with it, but you can also do it properly, under the right supervision, and then get all the benefits from it too, but, you know, I remember out of all the bodybuilders that I knew even back then when you were doing it, health wise, I remember you used to fly like to Seattle to get like the ozone done and stuff like that.

I called it countermeasures. Yeah. So, the tactics that you use to accomplish one goal. You have to have countermeasures to, you know, circumvent any negative result. And um, so that's what I really learned how to do. And that's carried over into what we do now. Is, you know, help people. figure out how to heal themselves, you know, go to your doctor and all that.

But you know, I always tell people, no matter what treatment you get, no matter what therapy is, your immune system still has to do the job. Your body still has to heal itself. So most people don't get the education or the information or the knowledge or the wisdom on how to do that. They basically something happens.

They go straight to the doctor, get a pill or whatever and deal with the, you know, the, the symptoms. And, um, we learned how to get to the source.

Yeah. I mean, that's a huge part. I mean, You know, obviously we're going to talk about the whole steroid stuff a lot, because there's a lot of misinformation out there.

And for some reason people are scared to talk about it. You know what I mean? Because it is taboo, I guess. But, you know, honestly, it's less taboo than ever before.

Well, you know, I think, I think a lot of times, you know, the media will cast whatever light, demonize it, cast, you know, that light, and then you end up figuring out the opposite, basically.

And, um, it's all about, just like everything, moderation, accuracy, you know, uh, proper care from a doctor, physician, blood work, all those type of things. If you're on top of it, in that way, you're The

reality is, every human being, men and women, will go deficient. Oh, 100. You know, the

environment is going to force, is almost forcing that on you.

Right, it's actually worse than ever actually, because there's so much, you know, for men, there's so much estrogenic compounds. Man. Soaps, lotions, toothbrush, I mean.

Plastic cups, plastic bottles. Plastic cups,

there's so much stuff that's making your estrogen go higher than, than, you know, than actually helping your testosterone.

Like, it's like, It's demasculating men, you know. And a lot of the things that happen now with men has to do with their hormones. Like if their, if their hormones are, are, you know, optimized, you know what I mean? Like, you don't, I tell this to people all the time. Like, look, you get your labs done. You see where your total free testosterone is.

You look at the deficiency. And then you fix the deficiency. You don't need to go as a 50 year old, you know, dad, and try to do a protocol that, like, is meant for somebody who's a Mr. Olympia. You know what I mean? But you do need to fix the deficiency. If you want to have quality of life, you want to fix that deficiency, because when you do that, you check off all of these boxes that really matter, like your recovery, like your sleep, like your body fat, being able to burn body fat, being able to put on muscle and keep it.

You know, your mood is a big one. You know what I mean? Like even the neurological effects of it. That's never talked about as a lot of, you know, there's so much replenishing that it does when you do it correctly for men and women. Cause you know, our company, we do. TRT for men and women. But what we do is straight down the protocol.

Like we, like when we consult somebody, it's like, you need to get your labs done, you need to do this, you need to do that, and then we connect them with the right person that's gonna help them the best. Right? And then that person will take it from there. But, The people we recommend are people that are in the same mind frame that we are, and they're actually doing it themselves.

Yep. You know? So, one of the main reasons why we have this epidemic is comfort. Yeah. You know, our fathers and their fathers and their fathers basically, Did physical jobs no matter how smart they were it was Whether you worked physical, but at home you was physical because most most people grew their own food Did their own chore?

Like so that's been taken away from us not taken away from us But I mean who if you if you can get somebody else to do it, why not, you know Yeah, so that mentality has led us to comfort which has a counter Or negative effect on the body. Because the body is meant to toil. It's meant to work and to move.

And so now you have to create that yourself. And then you have to hunt. Because we're not hunter gatherers anymore. But you have to hunt and find the healthy foods. Because they're Kind of hidden, or um, disguised, uh, in the grocery store. So, you gotta like really take effort to pick out what you should be eating, should not be eating, reading the labels, and all that type of stuff.

Where back in the day, that stuff didn't exist.

Also, back in the day, there weren't any fast food places like there are today. Right, 100%. I mean, you drive down the street, everything is fast food. Right. How bad is that for

you? That should be your treat. That's your cheat meal, right? Yeah. Like once a week.

Now it's like every meal is a drive thru. I don't have time. Or a restaurant. You

better make time. Yeah. You better make time. You're cutting your life short and your quality of life even shorter.

Well, now we got a meal plan company. So that's helping us go back in the right direction. You see this shift, you know, I think, uh, across the world where people are trying to wake up and be more healthy.

They're trying to be more

conscious. They're starting to realize, like, this is probably not good. No. Me eating McDonald's four days a week. There was a time though, I tell you. Um, and this is not me trying to get McDonald's to sponsor us, but we will if you want to, we can do it. But there was a time where I was, you know, coming up and literally I was at zero, right?

So I was like, I was doing personal training, I was doing security at the club, and then I was doing dancing also, right? So I had those three jobs, which meant I slept very little, obviously, right? So I would do personal training until like 11 o'clock at night, you know what I mean? And then I would either, on the weekends, either go do a show or go to the club and run the door and make money that way.

I know you did that too. So we did a lot of the same shit. Well, I mean, that's kind of how we met, that's kind of how we got together, so yeah. So at that time, though, I had to stretch my money, right? So I was like, what can I eat? That's gonna give me carbs, protein, and it's gonna keep me from being hungry, and it's the cheapest thing, and it's available wherever I'm at, right?

So, McDonald's. That was it. Back then, I don't know what they cost now, but back then, like, a burger would cost like 87 cents or something like that. So,

I got a crazy McDonald's story. Summer of 84, the Olympics. McDonald's had this, like, little, on the, on, when you buy something, Yeah. You pull the little sticker off.

Oh, I remember that. And if we won a gold medal, you get a Big Mac. Right, right. If you won a silver, you get fries. Yeah. If you won a bronze, you get a drink. And America kicked ass that year. Yeah. And so I literally ate McDonald's. That's two, three times a day, every day, the whole summer, that's, that's how we, that's how we survive.

Yeah. And that's

what I did. So I would go and buy like 20 hamburgers. Right.

But it was food back then. It was different. I think it was actually real food back then. It might have been, man. I don't know. It switched into like. I don't

remember being sick, but that might be because I drank a bottle of tequila every day.

I don't know. That could have been it. Well, the meat kind of changed. Yeah. It's a the 90s. But I would eat, I would eat like two every like three hours. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like every three hours I would just eat two and then I would be like not hungry. But then, you know, because I was working out so much, I was working so much, it kind of burned off.

So I wasn't really putting on like bad weight. It was weird. And I tell that to people now, like they're like, well, what should I, I'm like, I'm not telling you to do this. I'm just telling you what I did. Okay. Back in the day. This is what I did when I had to stretch my money. And I did this and this, get the one without cheese because cheese has fat.

Don't get that one just get a regular burger get like 20 of them It was funny because I was actually visiting we were visiting my daughter at at her college And then one of her friends is a football player And he was like trying to put on weight because he had an injury so he lost all his weight He's like panicking.

He's like, I don't know what to do. He doesn't have a lot of money. I told him about that I said bro, you know I saw him again, like a couple weeks after that, he goes, he goes, Mr. Potts, Mr. Potts, he goes, man, that works. That works. I put on like 15 pounds. It's because, I mean, all, you know, he's, he's young. All they're doing is lifting and resting and going, you know what I mean?

It's not like he's putting. So he was like, I put on like 15 pounds. I feel so good. I feel so, I was like, all right, don't eat fries. Don't do, don't do Coke. Don't do soda. There you go. Just through the burgers and he was like, man, I can't believe that works. I'm like, I know it sounds ridiculous and crazy, but it fucking


The simplest things usually do. Yeah.

Yeah. And you know, it's, it's cost effective. I mean, you know, and when you're in that place where your, your money is like, you're just trying to like, you're, you're literally counting to the pennies, you know? Like if I spend this, then I'm going to be short this. You

know what's funny?

Like, People who thrive or eat fast food all the time, they think they're actually saving money. Yeah, they're not. A lot of people don't know how to cook, so I don't blame them. But if you go to the grocery store and buy, One ingredient items. Yeah. Like beef, chicken, fish. Yeah. Potatoes, rice. It's not that expensive.

No. And now you can go places like Costco and get the, you know, the value Size Yeah. For like a family to, and really eat for a lot less. Again, most people don't know how to cook. Yeah. But you don't, learning how to cook is a skill that every human, but like you said, meal prep should learn anyway,

you know, like, uh, icon meals.

Yep. Right. So you can buy a, a bulk. Box or whatever they call it a bulk box, and it's literally like three pounds of just beef. It's already cooked Yeah, so even if you don't know how to fucking cook all you can buy that and just heat it up Yeah, I'm saying choices. Yeah, I mean there's definitely options now where you can take control of you know What you put into your body, and it makes a huge difference man you know the thing about Eating good is you have to also be active


Like I say, your body's made to toil, so having some kind of exercise regimen, and I tell people all the time, it doesn't have to be at the gym with a trainer, it could just be, you know, leaving your house. Hike. I tell people, you know, to get started at the very, very beginning, set your watch, walk 15, 20 minutes, turn around, walk 20 minutes back.

That's 40 minutes of cardio. Yeah. You didn't, you don't even. And

outside cardio is even better. It's the best. You got, you got, you know, you're getting air, you're getting sun, you're getting, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Be with nature. All that stuff matters, man.

All of it matters. All that stuff matters. Being behind a desk.

I remember you

hated it too. I remember when you were getting ready for a show, you'd be on that fuckin Stairmaster for like,

once I learned about outside cardio. Yeah. Once I learned about outside cardio, I left the treadmills and you know, I'll do stair mill on in the, in the harsh weather or whatever, but walking outside, you know, getting the real vitamin D breathing, the real oxygen, um, you know, the terrain changing.

It's good for you. You know, I love it. I love it.

You know, when you're in the gym, it's not, especially the way you look back there, everybody wanted to come and take a picture and talk to you. And hey, how could I look like you? You got a long way to go. This ain't what you want to play. Yeah. This is a lot of work.

This is a lot. That's the thing that always drove me crazy was when somebody would, I could do that. I'm like, bro, I'm telling, I promise you.

It's still very rampant, people still say. Yeah, I'm like,

I'm like, I just need steroids and I'll look like that. Like, no you won't. I do, I promise you. If

it came in a bottle, it would be everywhere.

Everybody would look like that. Vending machine, it would be everywhere, literally everywhere.

You know, it's funny, I told one of my clients the other day, I said, next time you're in, you're in the grocery store, just stop and look around. Hmm. See if you can find one guy that you can say you want to look like.

Oh, please. So he calls me up from the grocery store, he's like, Hey man, I'm in the grocery store right now. I don't see anybody. I don't see anybody. He's like, there's a couple of girls that I might want to look like though. He's like, they're in better shape than the fucking dudes. I'm like, you know why?

Cause they give a shit about it.

Women are training these days. They're training

hard, man. They're training hard and they're eating good. They're doing everything that we should be doing, right? Lifting heavy

weights too. They're not playing.

My wife, she Jacked. Okay. Her, so she, her profession is a, she's got a salon.

Mm-Hmm. . So she does like hair and stuff like that. And I, and I've seen some of, you know, when they do all this stuff, I'm like, how are you like shredded? Like that just doing hair. Then I went there and one day I was just waiting for her to finish. I was like, oh, that's halt.

Stop moving. Like,



10,000 calories in per client, I think.

You know what I mean? Wow. Yeah, man. I'm like, and then, but the, the thing, the good thing about her is, um. She, uh, she likes to go and work out too. So she'll do that and be like, let's go to the gym. You know, I'm like, hell yeah, let's go. You know, like it's super important. To have somebody in your life that's like that.

Cause a lot of times what happens is a couple will be on different pages, right? One wants to go to the gym and get better. The other one's like, ah, let's just do this. Let's go drink a couple cents for me. Yeah, right, right, right. Like FaceTime me from there. You know what I mean? Like it's really important.

The people in your circle to be supportive and, and fuel for you. Right. You know what I mean? Uh, and that honestly, that's on every, every page. But I believe that when you have the discipline to be in shape and get your ass up when you don't want to go to the gym and you get to the gym anyway, whether it's by yourself, whether it's with somebody else, whether it's at midnight, whatever.

I got a gym membership. At any time fitness because it's 24 hours,

right? Getting there is really the hardest part Don't you get up and go and get there and start moving around and yeah next thing, you know hours pass and you're done Yeah,

and you know i've i've done that 11. I know you have to man 11 o'clock midnight when you go I'm, like I get it.

I remember the last time I went it was like midnight And I was sitting at home and I couldn't fall asleep And I was like and I couldn't fall asleep because I didn't get my workout in that day And I was like And I felt like I neglected myself, so I was like, fuck this, man. I got up, got my shit, drove down there, you know, nobody's out.

Out here in Alpharetta, everything shuts down at 9 o'clock. So I'm driving, I drive down there, park, there's nobody at the gym, obviously. I go in there, I worked out for like an hour straight. Just non stop, killed myself. I never felt better. Slept like a baby. Yeah. I never felt better. I got home, took a shower, got in bed, out, woke up the next day, I felt like a million bucks.

You know what I mean? Like, that is by far a better feeling than sitting around and just, you know, waiting for shit to happen. Like, you, you, you know, and then when you have the discipline to do that, to say that I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna go to the gym no matter what time it is. I don't care how much other shit I have going on during the day.

At some point I'm going to go to the gym.

Right. You know what I mean? I, um, when I retired, you know, I was done competing and so I stopped training. Right. And then, you know, I was already injured cause I, so I had to stop training for that part, but so let's just say the injury healed and I still mentally was checked out and, you know, you, you go through this, these stages and, you know, I never called it depression, but I'm just for uh sake of words, it's just a you're not yourself.

Yeah, and um So I I realized that I was addicted to those, that endorphins, those endorphins. Oh, yeah. When you train. That's a real thing. Your body releases all those endorphins, and when you don't train, you don't get those things. Some people try to use stimulants or nootropics, and it's similar, but it's not the same.

Um, but yeah, I just felt myself going through that. And when I started back lifting, then that feeling of being me again came back. And um, so I won't, I won't ever stop training.

Yeah. Yeah. And it's, that's the thing. I mean, you know, Arnold's a great example, right? He's lived that since he was a teenager.

Right. You know, and now, what is he like 75? 78. 78? He's just turned 78. There you go. Like two days ago. There you go. He's 78. He's 78. But you see, you see he still works out. He's got a full gym in his house. He works out every day.


Same with uh, Stallone. Stallone's doing action movies still.

He's still fun.

He's filming a um, a new movie, well a new series. Stallone is? Yeah. In Winder. Oh is he? Yeah. Okay. I'm not supposed to say that, but.


well. Said it. They can be like, it's all

good. Sly. They'll find out. They'll find out, man. But yeah, he like, you know, you see those guys, those were, those were the guys in the eight, those were the action stars of the eighties.

Right. They were all jacked. Mm-Hmm. remember like when Predator came out and

they're damn near 80 years old. Yeah. Still going.

They're fucking 80 years old and they're still moving because they never stopped moving. Right, right. They, and they also took a bunch of steroids. I mean, definitely, I mean, Stallone, I remember, um, he was coming back from Australia and he had a whole, you know what I'm talking about?

He had a whole gym bag. I've been to

Australia, so I know exactly what he went through. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So he, he brought, he was bringing, but he was, The part, I don't understand, there's a couple of things I don't understand. One is, why the fuck is Stallone flying, like, regular flight? A commercial flight?

Right. He should have his own plane. Right.

Australia's pretty far though, but yeah. It is. Go ahead,

go ahead. Because we're talking about, I mean, hundreds of millions of dollars. So that's one, that's the first thing. And the second thing, it's almost like he wanted to get caught to be on the tabloids or something like that.

It might be that. That was good. His publicist might be like, yo, take a regular flight. Yeah, take this bag of steroids with you on your carry on right and let's see what happens You know me like I tell you what's gonna happen, especially in Australia where everything is fucking

more customs over there Honestly, they're a lot chiller than they used to be.

Yeah They I mean you take a orange or banana or jar of peanut butter in your luggage, bro. There was no What are you trying four? The dollars? Yeah. Yeah.

So yeah, he was trying to carry like 60 grand worth of growth hormone in his carry on. I got that. Good shit. Yeah. I'm like, you can't say like, he's like, well, I'm not trying to distribute it.

It's from me. I'm, they're like, you can't have,

this is two years worth. Like he is. Yeah. He is like,

where's your prescription? Like, what'd you get this from? You know what I mean? But you know, they've been, they've been doing that since the eighties. They've been, yeah. You know, well, uh, Arnold apparently has been, I don't know for sure.

But, uh, from what they say, he was doing it as a teenager. That's why he looks so crazy. But, I mean, you know, he has great genetics, too. People always cut that part out, you know, that these guys have great genetics. But, uh, That did definitely help. Well, the

genetics allow your body to uptake whatever it is.

That's why you see people, you know, you got a thousand people, you know, let's just say a thousand people doing the same shit. You can have your people that's elite. And then you got the people like, what the hell? Yeah. And then everything in the middle is how your body accepts it. You know,

right. So, well, you know, that's what and, you know, going back to it, I think being physically fit, I think it's a great place for everybody to Kind of hone in their entire life because the discipline that it takes to be in shape It trains your mind more than anything else, right?

So your if your mind is strong, then your mind is gonna be strong in your business and your family and your relationships Everything else that you want to do right, right So you always see like someone who's really well driven is

usually in shape Obesity is not, it's kind of a new thing. I mean, there's been fat people throughout history, but usually it's an emperor or somebody who doesn't do anything.

Everybody else has to physically move and work to actually survive. Like I say, that's been, Not taking it away, taking it away, but totally suppressed. You have a choice now. So you could be a multimillionaire without lifting a finger now, you know. And if you have the discipline to go get your training on, then you'll be fine.

But if not, then your body is going to decay. I mean, it's decaying anyway. And so that the counter, the countermeasures or the fountain of youth is actually moving. Eating whole foods, staying hydrated, stuff like that, getting real sunshine, you know what I'm saying? That's the type of stuff that the human body, forget who you are, forget what race, creed, color, any, the human body requires that for optimal, uh, existence.


You know what, you know, I'll tell you something, man. You were talking about fat people. Let's talk about fat people for a second.

Go ahead. Because, By the way, I'm, I'm a fat person. Yeah.

Listen, man, if you're fat and you're offended by me saying you're fat, then fuck you. I don't really care. You know, don't be fat, and you won't be called fat.

Well, it's everybody's responsibility to take care of this one temple that you've been providing. There's not one, Tony,

I'm telling you right now, there's not one human being that's overweight and fat that would not, rather not be. There's not one. Right. You know, they just, they train their mind because they just don't want to do the work.

So they just say, no, this is, I'm beautiful. And I'll tell you this, from when I modeled back in the day, all right, they used to weigh these women. Oh, I bet. They used to weigh and measure them on a daily basis. It was in the contract that it couldn't go past a certain thing, whatever, because models back there were supposed to be, you know, slender and look good and all that stuff.

Now they're promoting that it's okay. For a woman or a man to be overweight and fat and be a model. And they look beautiful and this is beautiful. It's not beautiful because that person is unhealthy. Right. You know, it has nothing to do with the visual part of it. Right. What's upsetting is that they're telling these people that are overweight.

That they are beautiful for being overweight when the reality is their life is shortened because they're so out of shape and unhealthy. You know what I mean? It's like, this is the narrative now. Instead of telling people, like, look, if you're overweight, these are the things you need to do to get your health right and not be overweight.

Right. Instead of doing that, they're saying, no, it's beautiful to be overweight.

Well, I, you know, if you look around. Right? There's, there's no swole old people. No. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's no Back in the day. I know, back in the day. But back in the day, they were eating whole food. Yeah. There was none of this artificial nothing.

Used to be, we used to have a Big Mama back in the day that was like, maybe 250. Yeah. But it was just her. It wasn't, everybody else was skinny. Yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? So, it's, it's our environment. It's, it's set up against us. Comfort. So You have to seek these things and then implement these things in order for it to take place.

But mindset, you know, is everything. So like you said, a lot of people, they don't care or they don't know or whatever. But, you know, we're in the age of information. So the information is out there.

I mean, you're walking around with a computer in your pocket. And you got information at your disposal anytime you want.

On anything you want. You know what I mean? It's crazy. And it's sad, honestly, because, you know, You see a lot of kids that are overweight and they don't know any better. It's a kid, right? You know me and their parents are letting allowing this to happen You know, because the kid wants McDonald's. And we're like, don't give your kid McDonald's.

They only eat what you buy them. Yeah. They don't fucking know. You know, it's funny because I was at my son's house the other day. And he has three toddlers. Well, he has an infant and two toddlers. Uh huh. And He got them so trained. Yeah. I mean, they eat salmon, rice, broccoli, meat, you know what I'm saying?

Like he's there, he's feeding them all whole foods. It's pretty amazing. I don't see them with no candy, no junk. So in other words, you look at him though, right?

He's super, his wife is too. Right. So you got two people, you got the mom and dad that are very healthy. They're already, their mindset is health and taking care, having quality, like the best quality of everything.

Right. So, the kids are going to obviously see that and be like, Oh, this is the way to be, you know. And then it's going to benefit them because they're just going to come out to be ten times the, the average person.

But to, to ask a two year old or four year old what they want and, and they respond. Yeah.

You know, with healthy foods means that's crazy. Well, it just means they've been taught that way, but they also enjoy it. I mean, they're literally requesting, you know, I don't want chicken. I want salmon, you know what I'm saying? Like it's hilarious because they're not eating, you know, they're not eating chicken nuggets and fries and all that.


well, I bet their energy levels that better sleep is better. I mean, because you get a little kid, some, some garbage, what happens?

They turn and they, they act garbage.

Yeah. They're just like, they feel. Terrible, you know, just like, oh man, what did I just do? You know what I mean? Like, you know, so

I had the little two year old we was Building their garden.

So they had we built like a little 8 by 16 You had to dig the um grass up and till it all up Had the little two year old out there with the hoe In the shovel kind of it was I was just like wow boy, you know, all right with me

Not at all at all not at all No, and that's the thing. I think it's important that uh people wake up You And they start to make changes for themselves because if you don't take control, then you're going to look back and say, what happened?

You know, like,

you know, I, I, I've been, um, personal training a little bit lately, um, because I was getting stagnant, you know, I got all this information and knowledge and all that, but I was getting stagnant. So I said, you know what? Let me give me a couple of clients to train so I can actually sharpen my skills and a little bit.

And so, you know, I got a few, I got a few online. Um, but it's just really cool to see, um, People applying the things that you know, that I know, not that I Googled or read about. Things that I know and getting similar or even better results than I did, because when I learned how to do it, it was still trial and error.

And so now, uh, You know, I can almost accurately predict, you know, how much weight they're going to lose, how many levels of ketones, all that type of stuff. Because I've been there and I've done that before. And so I said that to say this, one of the most important things that you need in your life is accountability.

So, you know, if you're struggling with your weight or struggling with anything, find someone who cares about you, or that you're paying, either one, because if you're paying them, they probably care about you a little bit, and to hold you accountable, to help you stick to whatever the protocol is and plan is, and then trust the plan and the process, get up and execute.

And the results are pretty much guaranteed. Like the best program in the world is the one that you'll actually do. So, whatever it is that you actually physically do. That's what's going to give you results. Now, you can change your results according to your effort, according to the information, and then end up getting to your goal.

It's not a, I want to lose 40 pounds, so I'm going to stop eating, you know, stop eating sugar or whatever. I mean, you just, you do it for a little while, and it's almost like in the river on the bank, two steps forward, three steps back. So having someone to hold you accountable, someone that's actually been there and done that, you know, there's a lot of people out there with a lot of degrees, But they haven't really applied the information.

So find someone who has either both or at least somebody who's lived it. And so they can, they can tell you what not to do more so than actually what to do. And that, that'll help you. You know,

you know, it doesn't make any sense to me when people go and get a personal trainer. They get a personal trainer that's not in shape.

Yeah. They go and hire a fat personal trainer to get them in shape. Yeah. And I'm like Listen, let me talk to you for a second here. So you're not in shape. And you want to hire somebody, give them money. I got a certification. Yeah, here's a piece of paper. You're gonna hire this guy that can't get himself in shape to get you in shape.

How is that even, like, that doesn't make any sense to me. That's like getting somebody to teach you how to swim that's never swam.

Right, or that's afraid of water. Or that's

afraid of water. Yeah. No, you're doing it wrong. Yeah, no, no, you need like this, like this. Why don't you in the pool? I'll drown. Okay, I don't know how to swim.

What? What the f And that's what I'm saying, like, at least, at the very least, do your due diligence. If you find, you want, if you want to get better at your nutrition, you get a great nutritionist. That's eating, Healthy stuff. Not just has a piece of paper that says I'm a nutritionist. You want a trainer?

You get somebody like Tony, right? I mean, you do that right now, right? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, so you get somebody that's lived it. That understands every aspect of it. So that they can help you. You know what I mean? That's, that's the thing people, people just, it's almost like they, they want to get the fat trainer because then they won't feel bad about themselves.

Like this guy's a trainer, so, you know, we're the same size.

I got a client, uh, he's in Texas. Uh, we started, uh, about 40 days ago. He was 270 at 5'7 Oh, right. Geez. In the first 30 days he lost 30 pounds on the scale. Yeah. And 27 pounds of it was fat. Oh. So he put on about nine pounds of lean body mass, lost 27 pounds of fat.

So now he's like two 40.

Yeah. And he, what is he doing? Just changed his diet. I, I mean, workout. I

radically changed his diet. I remember he sent me his blood work. Yeah. His resting bl glucose was three 80. Oh. I mean, imagine waking up at 380. I was like, bro, what was you eating? He's like, I was eating everything.

So, he sends me his, his blood. I have him test his ketones and his blood glucose everyday. This morning his ketones was 1. 1 and his glucose was like 81.


And that's like less than, you know, a little bit more than a month ago, less than two months ago, but really closer to a month. Well, you must

feel a million times better.

He feels a million times

better. His co workers are tripping. And I, cause I always ask him almost every day is, how do you feel? He's like, I've never felt so alive. And I will admit, I've never really had anybody go, To the level of, um, execution that he, that he has, but he's a surgeon tech, so he's used to being precise.

Right, right. And, um, Burroughs is He wants it bad. My wife's always, are you seeing Carlos Carrolls again? I gotta give him love, cause it's, it's, it's really insane to watch someone who is, you know, type 2 diabetic, Extremely unhealthy. I mean, he still has a long way to go. He's captured that back? Yeah. Still has a long way to go.

Well, he used to be. Oh, okay. So, um, you know, like I say, now he's waking up. His blood sugar was literally 81 this morning. That's great. That's great. That's pretty nice. Pretty nice. But, like I say, it's, find someone who knows. Knows, not heard, not read, who knows from actually physically doing it. I mean, even if you're a person who trained a lot of people and you didn't do it yourself, there's a degree or a level of some parts that you just don't know because you've never done it.

Exactly. How can you relate? So find someone that, that That's going to be attentive, not just they're just taking your money and saying, Oh, here's the program. See you later. Someone that's going to be there on the journey with you. So you know, don't take that left. You know what I'm saying? Like, um, that'll be, that'll accelerate your progress and you know, we're all results driven people.

So as you get results, you get more committed, more dedicated to, you know what I'm saying? And that's what keeps you in the game. It's a journey. It's going to take your whole life. Yeah. Because as soon as you start to lifestyle,

it's not that's what people think like is this gonna be is this like, you know Is this what we're gonna do a round of this or whatever like no, this is forever Yeah, it has to be yeah, because if you don't it's like it's like when people start TRT and then because they're deficient And they're older they're in the 40s.

They're not producing anymore Naturally. So, if you stop taking it, you're just gonna go back to that, and it's gonna be even worse now, because now you've put testosterone in your body. The crazy thing about that is,

the people who are not producing it naturally, There's two things. You can either go start being physical or you can get the meds or both.

But, you know what I'm saying? Like, but even if you get the meds and you're not physical, it's not gonna, your body's not gonna uptake it the same. You'll get more side effects. Yeah, you're

gonna be, yeah, exactly. You're gonna get the side effects. It's not gonna be good. That's why I tell everybody that does it.

I'm like, look, there's a regimen attached to this. You have to do this, but you also have to do this. You also have to do this. If you really want to get to what you're telling me. That's a different thing.

It's, it's, it's to the point where you can literally look at someone and ask 'em a few questions and know how they live.

Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. By the way that they look on the out. It's crazy. Yeah. How that is, and you could look at someone, that's why people admire, fit people. Yeah. Is because they know they busted ass. Yeah. Don't, because don't, but there's other people out there to be like, oh, that's just steroids or whatever.

I'm just like, bro, if I took steroids, I look like that there's millions and millions and millions of people doing. Hormones. Yeah. And then there's this small group that actually look amazing, then everybody else is somewhere in the middle. Yeah. So it's, it's so much more to it than that.

You have, and that's what I, that's one of the things that we're going to focus on here because It's really important for us to give people the correct information.

100%. And based on your experiences, my experiences, and uh,

And all our colleagues, all the resources that we have. We

have so much resources that, and you know, we'll bring them on so they can do, you know, they can help out on their side too. But that is the, the mission of the Alpha Hour. The, the whole point of the, the word alpha that's attached to this podcast is to Make these people, make everybody, women and men, right?

And children. Yeah, and children. The best that they can ever be. Yep. You know what I mean? That mindset is what we're talking about. The alpha mindset of, you know, being a leader, being protective, you know, and all that good stuff. All of that is what this show is about. And this is gonna be what we're gonna bring to people, and I'm excited for it, man.

I'm glad we're gonna finally do this thing, and uh, it's not gonna be censored. At all. So, so if you're, if you're one of those, uh, you know, Sensitive type people you probably should not watch the show. Those

will be the main ones

watching it. Yeah, and I

don't like that Well,

well, no, you can watch it. You can watch it, but I'm saying if you're gonna be extra sensitive It's gonna hurt your feelings.

You probably shouldn't well, you know, we're gonna still do this. You have been warned Yeah, you've been warned exactly because you know, the reality is Anything we say even if I say, you know, somebody fat and you know, fuck you and all that I don't, I'm not saying that in a like, you know, don't take it personal, right?

It's not personal. What I'm saying is that it bothers me that much for somebody to be overweight and not realize that they can Have much better life if they fix that, you know, I mean if they had the right direction on how to fix it, you know

So you have people who are morbidly obese and it took him a long time to get there.

Yeah. Well You know, the beautiful thing about being human and about making mistakes is you just turn around yeah now Are you gonna turn around and then instantly be in shape? No, no, but you you mentally say, okay, that's enough And that's what my boy Carlos. That's exactly what happened to him. He said he had he was just so frustrated and tired But because I was able to give him information That if you apply this information, it's going to actually give you the result that you're seeking.

Now he's like on top of the world. You know what I'm saying? Now he's so hyped and so motivated every single day. I've never, other than myself getting ready for a show, I've never seen someone that locked in before. And it's just, and my wife always saying, You're singing Carlos Carols again? But I know it's possible.

You know what I'm saying? Like, I see it, I do it every day.

I believe in people, man. I believe that they can, they can, there's never too late to change anything. I believe that, you know, it's just a matter of making that decision and saying that, okay, you know, I've had enough of this. I'm ready to make a change and I'm going to do it.

And then once you do that, there are steps that you need to take, which we'll go over. Um, but there's steps you take and there's resources that, you know, Make a difference. But you can, everybody can do it. There's not one person that I, I believe that everyone, as long as you breathing, you can do it. Yeah.

You can breathe, you can breathe, you can do it. I mean, we've had people in wheelchairs do it, you know what I mean? Like, but they've made that choice. Yep. You know what I mean? So we'll continue more of this. Um, you know, we wanna wrap this one up, but, yep. A hundred. But, you know, we're gonna focus on this.

I'm, I'm so happy that we finally got this thing rolling. It feels good and, uh, feels good. Shout out to my boy, chase. And his whole crew for, uh, you know, being part of it. He gets it, man. Like, you know, I mean, it's hard to find people these days that understand where your mentality is when you say we're not going to be censored and really your mission is to help people.

Somebody got to say it. Somebody got to say it, man. It's going to be us. Yeah. All right, man. Love you, man. I'll see you soon. All right. That's it for this one.

The Alpha Hour Podcast | Ep 01: Unfiltered Stories of Struggle, Success, and Self-Improvement
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